BlackGuilmon is unlocked by beating the game with two different characters, or beating BlackGuilmon during a "Surprise Attack".
He can digivolve to BlackGrowlmon and ChaosGallantmon.

Tentomon: Fast and strong in both offense and defense, Tentomon can digivolve to Kabuterimon and Mega Kabuterimon.Togemon and Lillymon are the digivolutions. Palmon: She is fast and attacks with poison and the dust of sleep.Patamon digivolves to Angemon and MagnaAngemon Patamon: Low statistics, but it's the fastest character in the entire game.Her Digivolution line consists of Nefertimon and Angewomon. Gatomon: She is the 2nd fastest character in the game and also can paralyze their enemies.His digivolutions are Growlmon and Gallantmon. His special attack, Pyrosphere moves forward and has a bit of a setback. Guilmon: Somewhat weak physically, but is very quick on his feet.His digivolutions are Garurumon and MetalGarurumon. Gabumon: A slow, but very offensive oriented Digimon.He can digivolve to Agunimon and BurningGreymon. Flamemon: He has high defense good offense and good speed.Biyomon digivolves to Birdramon and Garudamon. Biyomon: Has an advantage with speed, but low on offense and defense.Gomamon digivolves to Ikkakumon and Zudomon.

Agumon: It has a mix of weak and strong attacks, but good variety in his Pepper Breath attack.Each one has their own special moves and "digivolutions", as well as slightly varying normal attacks and taunts. The game features characters from the first four seasons of the anime: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Tamers, and Digimon Frontier. Digimon Rumble Arena 2 is based on the Digivolve techniques of Digimon battling it out in a battle royal and to see who is the strongest Digimon.